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Date: 01/05/2019

With just a few weeks left to ponder the offerings and fiscal differences between the major parties before we lodge our votes, which way will you go?

For some reminders about the different policies on offer and what they’ll mean for us personally and in our businesses, we ask our trusted economic and tax experts: Professor Neville Norman of Melbourne University and Michael Jones of Mazars.

Also this month is a success story with the king of coffee, Craig Dickson and his team at Veneziano Coffee scaling in Melbourne. Dr Amantha Imber explains why she fired all her managers at her consultancy firm, Inventium. Colin Pearce takes us through a proper sales induction process.

Cheryl Disher, of HR Advice Online, spells out the rules around employing casual employees. Bryan Worn advises us on how to handle workplace conflict. And we finish the program with Les Watson and how to get work done.

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