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Date: 01/10/2016

On the October 2016 edition of Business In Focus, we start with Professor Neville Norman’s assessment of the economy as he laments the lack of confidence he’s seeing around the country right now - the lowest he can remember for a long time.

How are multinationals complying with the OECD’s initiatives on combating tax avoidance? We ask Ben Scull just that as he discusses a recent survey conducted by Thomson Reuters.

We continue our theme of innovation by inviting business advisor Jeff Schwisow to explain how businesses are better off quickly adapting to change than reacting with large, cumbersome programs.

Also this month, we speak with Patrick Hollingworth who compares the unpredictable and dangerous pastime of mountain climbing with running a business.

As Asian countries continue to open up economically, we speak with expert Campbell MacKintosh on the myths of doing business in the region. And if – like half a million other Australian business owners – you’re looking to exit in the next 10 years or so, Kerry Boulton gives pointed tips on how to get top dollar from selling up.

Regular tax guru Michael Jones discusses the new definition of small business, plus the latest announcements on superannuation policy. Elio D’Amato looks at income stocks as an alternative to growth stocks. And we finish this month’s line-up with Corrinne Armour and her championing of human potential in business.

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