Sharemarket Update

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Running Time: 5:08

Date: 21/10/2012

Could it be goodbye to the sharemarket blues at last?

Sharemarket volatility? Well, it's not all over yet, but at least the misery of 2012 is behind us. And judging from the results of the lastest reporting season, the new financial year is looking a whole lot better for sharemarket investors. That's the encouraging view of Lincoln CEO and Stock Doctor, Elio D'Amato, who this month points to positive economic signs abroad and at home, and the impact of both on a brighter sharemarket scene. Sure, he says, the mining sector hasn't performed so well, but many other sectors have. Highlights include the healthcare sector, telecommunications and some specialised companies in the consumer discretionary sector. Stocks to watch include Sirtex, Ramsay Heathcare, Miclyn Express Offshore Limited, Roc Oil and G8 Education - not to be confused with ABC Learning.

And talking of education, with Elio's education hat on, we move from the dark art of forecasting, to the voodoo doll: valuations!

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Elio D'Amato, Lincoln Stock Doctor