Date: 01/12/2010 How a little boy's eczema and some pet goats helped launch a wonderful business success story. Leanne Faulkner didn't set out to become a soap manufacturer, but when she learned that goat's milk soap might help her son Liam's eczema, she started experimenting. After a couple of years' trial and error, she had a product that helped Liam and sold like hot cakes when she started selling it at local shows. Health stores snapped it up as the word spread, though the big retailers looked down their nose. Now she's making the soap and a range of other products in a purpose-built factory, not her own kitchen, and the big stores have Billie Goat Soap prominently on display. Exporting is the next challenge, and Leanne'sapproaching that, and the future of the business, with the same clear thinking and determination that have turned her soap into a success story. Log InSubscribe |
Leanne Faulkner, Billie Goat Soap |