Date: 09/08/2010 Bullying in the workplace can be very damaging for all concerned. Here's how to spot the warning signs, and then deal with it. Workplace bullying may be more widespread - and more damaging both to the victims and the business - than is widely recognised. That's the informed view of psychologist and author Evelyn Field, whose new book "Bully Blocking At Work - A Self-help Guide for Employees and Managers" is now available. Evelyn describes bullying as an abuse of power, and says it can damage its victims in many ways, both phsyically and psychologically, even driving them out of the workforce altogether. She says its important that businesses take preventive steps, including education and training, to create a positive workplace culture. But she also says they must remain ready to deal promptly and effectively with bullying incidents, or even the perception of bullying. The consequences of ignoring it are too great, both for the individuals concerned and the business. Productivity drops, absenteeism grows, reputation suffers and - ultimately - financial penalties in the form of Workcover costs or legal judgments can be horrendous. Prevention is certainly better than cure. Log InSubscribe |
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